Tuesday, February 13, 2007

5 Tips 2 Annoy The Teacher

1. Gather up a huge wad of saliva in your mouth and spit it all out on the carpet to the classroom.

2. Pop a big stick of gum in your mouth and smack as loud as you lips can.

3. Spit the gum out(on the carpet of course) and start talking. Talk for at least ten minnutes before taking a break to rest your jaw. If the teacher tries to talk while you're talking, igonre and continue on until your ten minnutes are finished. Then, give her some attitude and keep on talking!

4. Make relaly loud, annoying, distarcting noises like clapping, stomping, whistling, tapping your pencil or making sounds with your mouth.

5. For the grand finale, fall out of your chair(landing on the floor with a loud sound) and finish off with a glas brekaing scream.

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