... HI!!!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Snoop Dogg
Boys, Listen Up!!!
As a girl, I know what a girl would like for Valetine's Day. First of all, candy would not do the trick. Maybe a lolipop would be OK, but anything else would make me think, "All he got me was a lolipop? He must hate me!" SO if U give her a lolipop, make sure you give her more. A box of chocolate's would be perfect, as long as it's not white chocolate. Nobody likes it white. A tedy bear would be nice, as long as it's not black or really dark brown. Everything is else is not luvvy and mushy and gushy. A kiss or hug it, though.
Cool Signs and Junk
Check out these cool signs and junk.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 q w e r t y u i o p [ ] a s d f g h j k l ; ' z x c v bn m , .
They'r e pretty cool hugh?
That says, "They're pretty cool huh?"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 q w e r t y u i o p [ ] a s d f g h j k l ; ' z x c v bn m , .
They'r e pretty cool hugh?
That says, "They're pretty cool huh?"
Old Fashioned Luv Poem
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Honey is sweet,
And so are you.
Roses are red,
Bluebonnets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
and so are you.
Roses a red,
Violets are blue,
Cookies are sweet,
And so are you.
Violets are blue,
Honey is sweet,
And so are you.
Roses are red,
Bluebonnets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
and so are you.
Roses a red,
Violets are blue,
Cookies are sweet,
And so are you.
Ask Hot Poppin
If you have any questions about love and all that mushy junk, ask Hot Poppin, AKA THE LOVE MAGNET. Get all of your questions answered by 2morrow, Hot Poppin gets on eveyr morning at 6 so she can answer your questions. Don't ask any dumb questions like, "What color is my underwear." Retart1 How am I suppose to know??? Besides, that has nothing to do with love. A more reasonable question would be, "I think my girlfriend if going to break up with me on Valentine's Day. I don't want to be lonely, what do I do?" To that, I would answer, "Buy your girlfriend a huge teddy bear and jumbo sized box of chocholate. Give it to her on Valentine's Day and be really nice and jolly. Maybe she will see the good side of you and not break up with you." Oh, and if you ask that exatc same question, I won't answer it.
Find Your Lover And Friend
Hurry and quick! Ask out any boy or girl in sight! Hurry, I said quick! Valentine's Day is 2morrow and you don't want 2 be lonely and miserable. Get a boyfriend or girlfriend fast, and try to keep them until Valentine's Day. 2morrow, I'll put up tons of posts about love and all that junk. Actually, I'll start now, so you can have some poems and stuff reayd for your Valentine. Also, my parent's anniversary is 2marrow. I'll ahve 2 give them a shout out, too. Later!
Retarted Tips
I know my tips on how to get a guy sound pretty retarted, but you might need them for 2marrow, Valenine's Day.
5 Tips 2 Get A Guy(made by my best friend)
1. Tell the boy you like(let's call him Brice) your name and what you're in.
2.Send Brice some love notes. Take it easy with the notes. First, ask if Brice wnats to be friends then take it form there.
3. Ask Brice if he has a girlfriend.
4. If he says no, then ask him out. If he says yes, then stop from there.
5. Work hard to keep Brice and make sure that he doesn't cheat on you.
2.Send Brice some love notes. Take it easy with the notes. First, ask if Brice wnats to be friends then take it form there.
3. Ask Brice if he has a girlfriend.
4. If he says no, then ask him out. If he says yes, then stop from there.
5. Work hard to keep Brice and make sure that he doesn't cheat on you.
5 Tips 2 Dump A Guy
1. Find another boy that you like, but don't tell your boyfriend(let's say Bob instead of boyfriend to make it easier)>
2. Secrety go out with another guy(we'll call him Mike) without letting Bob know.
3. Hang out with Bob for a day.
4. Tell Bob, "We need to talk," and dump him. Then leave the scene and go find Mike,
5. Treat Bob bad and stay with Mike until cuter guys show up. Then, dump Mike by repeating the five tips.
2. Secrety go out with another guy(we'll call him Mike) without letting Bob know.
3. Hang out with Bob for a day.
4. Tell Bob, "We need to talk," and dump him. Then leave the scene and go find Mike,
5. Treat Bob bad and stay with Mike until cuter guys show up. Then, dump Mike by repeating the five tips.
5 Tips 2 Annoy The Teacher
1. Gather up a huge wad of saliva in your mouth and spit it all out on the carpet to the classroom.
2. Pop a big stick of gum in your mouth and smack as loud as you lips can.
3. Spit the gum out(on the carpet of course) and start talking. Talk for at least ten minnutes before taking a break to rest your jaw. If the teacher tries to talk while you're talking, igonre and continue on until your ten minnutes are finished. Then, give her some attitude and keep on talking!
4. Make relaly loud, annoying, distarcting noises like clapping, stomping, whistling, tapping your pencil or making sounds with your mouth.
5. For the grand finale, fall out of your chair(landing on the floor with a loud sound) and finish off with a glas brekaing scream.
2. Pop a big stick of gum in your mouth and smack as loud as you lips can.
3. Spit the gum out(on the carpet of course) and start talking. Talk for at least ten minnutes before taking a break to rest your jaw. If the teacher tries to talk while you're talking, igonre and continue on until your ten minnutes are finished. Then, give her some attitude and keep on talking!
4. Make relaly loud, annoying, distarcting noises like clapping, stomping, whistling, tapping your pencil or making sounds with your mouth.
5. For the grand finale, fall out of your chair(landing on the floor with a loud sound) and finish off with a glas brekaing scream.
5 Tips 2 Get Bad Grades
1. Find out your grade in your first class. If it's a failing grade(below 70) you're fine. If it's passing(above 70) the read tip 2.
2. When you do paper work, find the right answers to the questions, but don't circle them.
3. Cirlce the worng answers on every question.
4. You get a zero on the paper.
5. Your average for that class gets low and after you continue to do these steps, it'll be failing and that's good... right???
2. When you do paper work, find the right answers to the questions, but don't circle them.
3. Cirlce the worng answers on every question.
4. You get a zero on the paper.
5. Your average for that class gets low and after you continue to do these steps, it'll be failing and that's good... right???
Promise Remix

I love that song by Ciara, Promise. The remix is just the same but I think it has better and funnier words. My favorite part of the song is when they say, "Make you scream like Michael Jackson eeeeee-ee! eeeeee-ee!" When I hear this, I picture sometihng funny...
Michael Jackson is walking down the hall in his house and he sees and spider. He screams like, "eeeee-ee! eeeee-ee!" Then he runs away and goes to find little boys. He finds them and... you know what he does after that, don't you?
Michael Jackson is walking down the hall in his house and he sees and spider. He screams like, "eeeee-ee! eeeee-ee!" Then he runs away and goes to find little boys. He finds them and... you know what he does after that, don't you?
Friend's Web
Help my friend out and go to blog and leave her osme comments. Her only comments are from me.
Her web address is http://hiphopgangsterremix.blogspot.com
I know it's really long, but if you're a fast typer, it'll only take you a few seconds. THANKS.
Her web address is http://hiphopgangsterremix.blogspot.com
I know it's really long, but if you're a fast typer, it'll only take you a few seconds. THANKS.
More On MP4's

Ok, Mp4 Players. One day my brother came home and said that his friend has an MP4. I wanted one so I searched online for a website that sold them. I found this website called www.uxcell.com and it had tons of MP4's and many other electronics. I bought it for $45.0-0, including tax. It came about 12 days later. The headphones sucked! It came with a nasty green boogar on it, but the device worked pretty well. To see some Mp4's go to uxcell.com... Just don't buy anything from there, you'll regret it.
I Wanna Love You
I Wanna Love You is an awsome song. I loved it when I first heard it and I tried to download it onto my Mp4(more on those later). I got it on my Mp4 and when I listened to it, instead of saying "I wanna love you", it said "I wanna $!*@ you." I was really surprised that Akon would make a song like that! Ever since then, I thought of the song as a kind of nasty, sexual type on song, but I still listen to it a lot.
Icebox- Omarion
The first time I heard Icebox, I loved it. It's a great slow song and fats song, tohught it's not that fast. At first, I thought that Akon sang it. AKON! HA! I felt stupid when I found out that Omarion sings it!
Radio Info
This morning on the radio, i think it was 97.9 or K104.5, but one of those stations said that T.I. and Mariah Carey are hooking up for Valentine's Day. I think it's true. What do you think?
Runaway Love- Luda

Runaway Love is sad song, but I love listening to it. If you listen closely, you'll hear that it's telling a sotry. First, it's Lil' Lisa who's oly nine years old, then it's somebody else with the best friend Stacy who gets shot. It's a very sad song, and the music video is even sadder. Go to you tube.com to see the music video.
Chris Brown

Chris Brown sings Run It, Shorty Like Mine, Yo Exsuce Me Miss, Poppin, and many more but these are my favorites. I really like the song Shorty Like Mine. It has a good beat and Bow Wow and Chris Brown make the perfetc song. They should do more songs together. Poppin is the perfect slow song for a dance or sometihng. It too has a really steady beat. I listen to the beat of the song a little more than the words. In most rap songs, the beat stays the same. That's why the song has to have a really good beat to be a really good song. Listen to the beats of songs and you'll notice that most hip hop or rap songs keep the same beat. But hey, there's nothing wrong with that. As long as the fans love their song, the artist is proud to be apart of it.
I have many questions about blogger. First, I want to know how I can get pictures on my blog. I really need some pictures. Help me out here.
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